HHS Panel Dismisses 340B Dispute, Dashes Health Centers’ Hopes

An administrative dispute resolution panel this week dashed community health centers’ hopes of resolving whether drug makers may deny 340B drug discounts when health centers use multiple contract pharmacies. The arbiters dismissed a dispute by the National Association of Community Health Centers because they said a federal district court had already resolved the dispute, yet health centers are barred from using the courts to resolve disputes, and the court was presented with a different question than the dispute resolution panel,...
Article Type: 
Site Name: 
IDP Issue: 
Inside Drug Pricing - 10/03/2022
IDP Volume: 
Vol. 5, No. 40

Court Tells CMS To Stop Underpaying Hospitals For 340B Drugs

A federal district court on Wednesday (Sept. 28) directed Medicare to immediately begin paying hospitals in full for 340B drugs after the U.S. Supreme Court in July overturned a nearly 30% pay cut for Part B drugs obtained through the 340B discount program. The Supreme Court left it to the lower court to determine how CMS would repay hospitals and when the agency would transition away from the pay cuts. Hospitals and CMS were at odds over how to handle...
Article Type: 
Site Name: 
IDP Issue: 
Inside Drug Pricing - 10/03/2022
IDP Volume: 
Vol. 5, No. 40

Court Tells CMS To Stop Underpaying Hospitals For 340B Drugs

A federal district court on Wednesday (Sept. 28) directed Medicare to immediately begin paying hospitals in full for 340B drugs after the U.S. Supreme Court in July overturned a nearly 30% pay cut for Part B drugs obtained through the 340B discount program. The Supreme Court left it to the lower court to determine how CMS would repay hospitals and when the agency would transition away from the pay cuts. Hospitals and CMS were at odds over how to handle...
Article Type: 
Site Name: 
CMS Issue: 
Inside CMS - 10/06/2022
CMS Volume: 
Vol. 25, No. 40

GOP E&C Leaders Want Meeting With CDC, NIH On Biosecurity

House Energy & Commerce Republicans leaders are asking CDC and NIH officials to meet with committee staff on security issues surrounding government field research on pandemic-capable pathogens, an issue thrown into the spotlight by the COVID-19 pandemic as well as President Joe Biden’s new executive order on biotechnology. The lawmakers say they want the meeting to take place by Oct. 12 and to cover safety concerns surrounding the identification and study of pandemic-potential viruses. The members sent a letter Thursday...
Article Type: 
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FDA Issue: 
FDA Week - 10/07/2022
FDA Volume: 
Vol. 28, No. 40

SNF Residents File Class Action Suit Over Neglect, Understaffing

In the latest saga over nursing home staffing problems, residents of six nursing facilities on Wednesday (Sept. 28) filed a class action suit against the Alden Group -- a corporate nursing home group in Illinois -- that they allege “attracts thousands of residents to its facilities, and then systematically understaffs those facilities, leading to neglect, preventable injuries and illnesses, and dangerous and often grossly unsanitary living conditions for the residents.” Alden saves millions of dollars each year by refusing to...
Article Type: 
Site Name: 
CMS Issue: 
Inside CMS - 10/06/2022
CMS Volume: 
Vol. 25, No. 40

Commonwealth: Care Unaffordable Despite Low Uninsurance Rate

Americans still struggle to afford their health care despite a historically low uninsurance rate of 9%, according to a report by the Commonwealth Fund that also warns the upcoming Medicaid redeterminations and pending litigation could reverse coverage gains, and the group offers several policy options. The report recommends Congress gradually phase out the Medicaid maintenance of care requirement, close the Medicaid gap, and permanently extend the enhanced Affordable Care Act tax credits. The State of U.S. Health Insurance In 2022,...
Article Type: 
Site Name: 
CMS Issue: 
Inside CMS - 10/06/2022
CMS Volume: 
Vol. 25, No. 40
HEA Issue: 
Health Exchange Alert Weekly Report - 10/05/2022
HEA Volume: 
Vol. 10, No. 40


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